Shipping containers, tiny houses, vanlife. What do they all have in common? They are all some of the more popular home choices these days. And now, you can even purchase small house cabin kits to make it easier to build the new tiny home of your dreams!

But what do you need to know before you buy a wood house kit? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know before you make the purchase.

Know the Cost

Not all tiny house kits are created equally. It is extremely important that you know the cost before you make a purchase.

There are many different features, sizes, and materials of a small house kit. This is what can make the price differ between the different types. 

Be sure to do your research so that you get the best bang for your buck.

Understand the Size and Layout

When you make a purchase for a small house kit, they come with their own floor plans so you can figure out how it is going to look and what you can do with the home after it is built.

You will want to double-check that you are getting a tiny home cabin kit with a layout that you like. There are many different options so that you can find a layout that works for you.

Additionally, there are going to be different sizes and square footage measurements. Knowing what you want will help you determine what square footage works for you.

Check the Foundation 

Even though you can purchase the tiny home kit, you also need to make sure that you have a solid foundation wherever you are choosing to put the tiny home.

There are various requirements for foundations depending on the type of kit that you get. Make sure to look at this before you purchase so that you don't have unnecessary delays after buying the kit.

Consider Permits

Depending on the location of where you are going to put your tiny home as well as the size of it, you may need permits to build. Checking your local laws and websites will help you to determine which permits are required in your area, if any. Smaller units may not require a permit at all.  Also check the relaxed requirements for ADU's.  

Getting a Small House

When it comes time for you to get a small house that you love, there are many things that you have to keep in mind before making the purchase. 

Now that you know everything you need to know before getting cabin kits for a tiny home, you can check out some of our favorite cabin kits here.