Harvia Protective Shields
Available Options
Harvia Protective shields decrease the safety distance from the heater to any combustible materials. The shields attach directly to the stove and shape around it. Each heater model has its own specific shield. Shields can be purchased only as a 3 piece kit. Please note these do NOT reduce the amount of heat or temperature coming from the heater unit.
This listing is for the WL450 3-pieces set for the model Harvia M3 heater. The following shields for the other heater models can be found under AVAILABLE OPTIONS menu:
WL 450 3 piece kit for M2, M3 & M3 SL
WL 475 3 piece kit for 16
WL550 3 piece kit for 20, 20SL, & 20DUO
WL650 3 piece kit for 20ES
WL750 3 piece kit for 26
WL850 3 piece kit for 36 & 36DUO
WL650 3 piece kit for 20ES
WL750 3 piece kit for 26
WL850 3 piece kit for 36 & 36DUO