Allwood Premium Reversible Pine Wainscot Dealer Pack 1792 sqf
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Allwood Premium Reversible Pine Wainscot Description:
- Solid Nordic Knotty Pine
- Reversible pattern: Classic V-Groove pattern on one face | Classic Beaded Tongue on one face
- Thickness: 5/16" (7.2 mm metric)
- Width: 3-5/8"
- Length: 32"
192 mini bundles @ 12 pcs each = 6144 lineal ft. = 1792 sqf
Pallet size 42" H x 48" W x 49" L - 1250 lbs
Delivery charges apply- email us for a quote
*** See AVAILABLE OPTIONS to add matching Base and Chair trim kits. You need 85 kits for 1792 SQF of wainscoting.
*** See AVAILABLE OPTIONS to add matching extension kits. Each kit covers 8 lineal feet and adds 20" height (from 37" to 57").